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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!

Dan Hsu


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2007-06-18 16:28:08.487

In the current issue of EGM, I wrote an editorial talking about...well, why don't you read it for yourself?

I recently had a chat with one of the editors over at gaming-journalism watchdog site Video Game Media Watch. While outlining the ethical standards that we abide by here at the 1UP Network (which includes EGM, Games for Windows: The Official Magazine,, and more), I realized that I should just lay out everything for all our readers. It's only right....

Game companies are always trying to send us free stuff. What are we allowed to keep? We do not accept any gifts--such as video iPods, World Series tickets, cash (in the form of contest prizes)...all of which were actually offered to us at one point. But we are allowed to keep cheap, promotional items, so you'll see game posters or XXXXXXXL T-shirts around our offices. We also keep the games that the companies send us, but EGM's rule is to put one away for the office library copy, and the rest get evenly distributed to staffers who will actually play them (absolutely no trading them in or eBaying them for profit or gain of any sort).

We do not accept flights or hotel rooms from the publishers, either--we pay for those out of our own budgets. And even if we do fly out to see a game, we never promise any coverage. We will accept meals (say, for a business lunch or dinner), but we often pick up the tab too, to keep it fair. For example, during a recent Grand Theft Auto IV demo, we paid for dinner between Rockstar and us, since Rockstar paid for dinner the last time we met up.

All of this must seem pretty obvious to you, huh? After all, how can a magazine or website editor be totally objective if a company just flew him out to see their game? But you'd be surprised.

Help keep the industry honest. Read VGM Watch (we told them to keep an eye on us, too...because we have to be as accountable as everyone else), or better yet, ask your favorite magazine or website what their policies are. The more you know, the more you know whom to trust.

--Dan "Shoe" Hsu, Editor-in-Chief

I wanted to reprint this editorial here on my blog to get some discussions going, and also to see if anyone has any questions for me. I'll pick some of your questions and do a continually updated Q&A right here. (This will allow me to clarify stuff,, I don't want to give anyone the impression that we're so perfectly "good" about paying half of all our dinner bills. There are a lot more organized press dinners than there are opportunities for us to pick up the tab....)

Also, I was recently a guest on Gamertag Radio's podcast, discussing this very subject from the independent website's perspective (those guys don't have the budgets that EGM does, so it's a different story for them). Check it out if you have a chance.

By the way, another watchdog website to keep an eye on: GameDailyBiz's Media Coverage. It's currently being run by Kyle Orland, former editor at Video Game Media Watch.

Now, onto your questions (I'll keep updating this section as needed):

TheNintendoTheory: Let's say someone does do something that isn't exactly reputable, for lack of a better word. What happens to them? Would they get fined? Fired?

It would depend on the circumstances of course, but yes, we can fire you for a violation of the editorial-ethics agreement that we all sign when we start working here. So for example, if an editor knowingly purchased stock in a game company or he accepted a cash payment from some developer, then we would kick that guy out immediately.

Sprewell: How do you approach keeping the item for purposes of giving away to readers, like the Ipod giveaway from the recent EGM live? Does that present any conflicts?

We're not keeping the gift, so we don't feel it presents any conflict of interest. As long as we don't keep this stuff, we're OK with it. For example, recently, Microsoft sent me an awesome Halo 3 Zune, all customized with my GamerTag and everything. I'd personally love to keep it (I love new gadgets), but it's a $250 thing that I can't use for work, so I have to return it to MS or give it away (which is what we're doing). If I chose to donate it to charity, I can't take a tax deduction on it because then I'd be profiting from this gift. Now, if Microsoft sends me an Xbox 360 (which they have), I will hold on to it as it is work related...but our rule here is, if I were to leave EGM, I'd have to give this 360 back to our office. It's not mine to keep. It belongs to EGM.

Harperdc: The only thing I can comment on is the dinner tab one, as the ethical side in me would pay for all of my own food, but the real pragmatist sees that your system also works out pretty well.

Not really a question for me, but I wanted to address this regardless. That is really the best way to handle this: pay for your own meals no matter what. But I will admit we don't do this regularly. I have done that before, but if it's a business meal, generally, one side will pick up the tab. Many times, it's the game companies, since they're inviting press out and this would be considered a small-value thing, but we have paid for meals before, too. I remember once, we asked EA to meet us for lunch so we can discuss some coverage plans, our treat. They certainly took advantage because they brought out like 20 PR people! :)

sdwoodchuck: Have any companies who sent out these gifts feel slighted, or specifically requested special treatment because of the things sent to the staff?

I think the companies understand. They don't just get this from us, but the traditional news media as well. I remember talking to an NBC guy after Microsoft gave away several hundred HDTVs at a press event, and he said he couldn't take the TV...his job/bosses would never allow it. I've never personally witnessed a specific request in exchange for a gift, but I've talked to enough people to know that it goes on, in every industry (as topgeargorilla pointed out in the comments)...including mine.

masterofwar: What happens when you become friends with the developer of a game?

That's an excellent question. In an ideal world, we would never become friends with anyone involved with making games. But we're all humans and sometimes, you can't avoid it. I'm not sure how someone at Time or Newsweek handles this, but over here, we try to be careful in the following ways. One, we always establish that work and friendships are separate here -- don't take it personally if we rip on your games. (Also, many game companies are professional enough to know that, if they have a stinker on their hands, it's nothing personal when we report on their games.) Two, we will try to avoid conflict of interest whenever possible. To give you an example: My best friend of college was on the development team for Tribes (PS2) and Area 51 (PS2/Xbox). We couldn't ignore his games, but so I could take myself out of the equation, I let my editors decide how EGM was going to cover them. I didn't say how much space or how many pages to give those titles. And I intentionally made sure I do not review his products. I play and review a lot of shooters, but when it came to those two games, I would not review them, to avoid that potential conflict of interest.

ChronoKnight: Is it ever the case where an editor of the 1up network may become bitter at the company giving the gift simply because they cannot accept it?

I've never seen that. Why would we get mad at someone for trying to do something nice? :) But this isn't a new rule for us or anything. When we start employment at Ziff Davis Media, we have to sign an agreement saying we understand all these rules, so we know going into the job that we won't be accepting gifts....

QB's_Finest: Is this editorial implying that EGM's writers, as well as gaming journalists in general, could not maintain journalistic integrity without the enforcement of a company-wide policy?

Only on the Internet can someone find a negative way of looking at something that's supposed to be positive. A standard set of rules is never a bad thing. You don't just employ a bunch of people and expect everyone to have their own interpretation of any rules that they may or may not have heard. You bring in any new people (some fresh out of school, some from a proper journalistic background, some not, some from the competition where the rules may be different), and you should always establish what policies your company has, right? Or do you start a new job and always determine your own lunch hours, working hours, how to greet customers, way of stocking shelves, etc.? :)

It's not a lack of confidence in our employees. In fact, I *know* 100% for sure that I can review my college buddy's game and not be influenced at all. But the point isn't just about how much you trust someone. It's public perception, too. We have a write editorial for our readers. I may trust me, and I might write a perfectly fair review. But what if word got out that I gave Area 51 a great score, and my best friend from college worked on the game? Instant credibility hit, right? It's not just about your personal integrity, but how your readers perceive it, too.

D3stiny_Sm4sher: I know this probably sounds stupid, but honestly, where does your money come from?

From my best friend in college bribing me to give his game better scores.

Seriously, from advertising and from sales of individual issues on newsstands. And for the record, we have a "church and state" policy here regarding advertising and editorial. You can't buy editorial coverage, you can't exchange advertising for covers or positive review scores or anything like that. It's all separate.

secretariat: I'm curious as to what's behind the sudden need to discuss ZD's integrity over and over.

Another good question, because I really don't want to give a high-horse impression here to anyone. As I said in my editorial, I was recently discussing this subject with VGMW (regarding a story that they're working on regarding conflict of interest), and then I thought I should just pass along the stuff we talked about to our readers. I never brought up our specific rules like this before. In fact, this editorial was a bit of admission on my part that we're not perfect (we keep some gifts, we let companies take us out to dinner -- as others pointed out, true, hardcore journalists don't even allow that). So this wasn't about showing off so much as it was just, "Hey...look...we have these rules, but just so you know, this and this and that and that." Full disclosure, as the headline states. does seem to come up a lot on our end because it's an issue that keeps popping up for us. Every month, there's someone out there accusing us of getting a moneyhat from some company. So periodically, I like to just remind people how things work at EGM. Sure, call me over-sensitive (or stupid) for listening to message boards, but it really gets to me when people think we're corrupt. And since I have the forum to address it, I take advantage.

And I have my other reasons, too. I see people doing it all wrong in my side of the business all the time, and my hope is, if I raise a stink once in a while, maybe these people will get more serious about these jobs we're all so fortunate to have. Or maybe the readers will demand better. I really don't want to get into specific examples that I've witnessed, because the last time I did that, it was a shitstorm...something I'm not eager to experience again (since my job here is not to be the true watchdog like Media Coverage or VGMW). But...when any gaming journalists are straying off the path, it makes us ALL look bad, even those of us who are doing it legit.

Finally, keep in mind that we get new readers all the time. We love you regular readers the best...but there are plenty of people who don't know I'm a broken record yet. ;)

Thanks for all the comments, questions, and feedback!

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Comments (51)

  • Araida
  • I approve!

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Araida
    Not that you need my approval, but I really do approve of what you outlined above. I like the transparency! Good work :D
    -Take it steady.
  • harperdc
  • I approve as well

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  harperdc
    as a wee lil' J-school student right now and having studied journalistic ethics, putting stuff like this up transparently is really cool to see, really reassuring to the fan in me, and just explains why I keep coming to 1up, have had EGM forever, and want to some day work for ZD.

    The only thing I can comment on is the dinner tab one, as the ethical side in me would pay for all of my own food, but the real pragmatist sees that your system also works out pretty well. Also interesting how you never promise coverage, even when flying out to see games, that's a good note to take.
  • gamemusic
  • DUDE

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  gamemusic
    Dude i agree that EGM is one of the best game magazines out there, the best to be blunt. i would love to see more art in the mag and more articles that others magazines don't have the balls to do like "battlestation". anyways its a kick ass mag, rock on.
  • topgeargorilla
  • yeah, i agree

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  topgeargorilla
    As far as games journalism goes, it seems like 1up as a whole is pretty good. unfortunately, games journalism as a whole for the last decade has really struggled to get out of the impression as feeders to the masses of PR documents rewritten and passed off as news. even the review standards have been really iffy, with some sites and publications putting too much weight or not enough weight on ratings. plus with the whole blog scene really coming to the for front of gaming news, people who lack the skills and respect for writing, as well as the important understanding of ethics of journalism beyond gaming, but as a whole and a form of writing. don't get me wrong. out of the three unnamed major gaming sites, two of them are pretty good. out of the 5 or so major gaming blogs, one of them (oh hell, i'll say it.), i feel is rather good, especially since one of their major editors has such a healthy respect for journalism as a whole. i've always liked that, you, dan hsu, knows the importance of ethics. does anybody know about music companies paying out DJ's to pump out their songs? well, when a company tries to payout a games journalist, it's almost the same thing. Oh, and let me also tell anybody who will listen that it is illegal for music companies to do that; if there was a good enough focus on the games industry, they too would be a larger focus on this problem.
  • sulking_ophelia
  • journalism ethics

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sulking_ophelia
    I work for a mainstream newspaper and you would be amazed at what gets offered to us. We don't even do restaurant reviews; for a while we were accepting free meals but man, when you're served a moldy piece of cake and have to write about it on the restaurant owner's dime, that gets ugly really fast.

    The rule of thumb is journalists don't accept any gift worth more than $20, but some of us don't even eat the offered lunch at press events. (Those people have usually just graduated from journalism school and have the ghosts of their professors hanging over their heads.)
  • Goodiemob
  • You're always doing this Shoe

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Goodiemob
    I wrote about it over a year ago when you turned down some HD flat panels.

    Take the stuff Shoe. I applaud your scruples but I think all that high ground could be used to write a self help book, campaign for something, or end the violence in Darfur -enjoy the free steak buddy.

    If your reviews or features are bogus we'll smell it on you faster than your free T-bones. I appreciate what your saying but don't you guys have it hard enough? Shit, didn't Nintendo cancel an interview with you a couple months back? Doesn't all types of Fk'd up things piss you off about this business? Aren't your impeccable morality pleas simply a cry out against the dying of the light?!

    Woah, sort of lost myself there. Enjoy the potatoes man.
  • sdwoodchuck
  • Questions:

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sdwoodchuck
    You mention that often times companies will send you gifts that you simply can't accept based on the ethics of your position. Have any companies who sent out these gifts feel slighted, or specifically requested special treatment because of the things sent to the staff?

    After pointing out that it seems like common sense that these policies are needed to maintain objectivity, you said that we'd "be surprised." I take it this implies that there are some journalists who do take these offers. Without naming names (since I'm sure that's a mess you'd rather avoid) would you say that this is fairly common in game journalism?
  • topgeargorilla
  • goodiemob

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  topgeargorilla
    that's the thing.
    He cannot take the free stuff, tv, and gifts. It's all a matter of journalistic integrity. all journalists, whether in the games, film, music, technology, news, radio, television, etc. ALL have to abide by those rules. it's the code of journalists. as weird as it sounds, abstaining from the freebies is just one part of being journalistically sound. Shoe can obviously be seen trying to elevate game journalism beyond the rubbish it has been in the past; accepting free gifts is absolutely unacceptable in the field. is gift giving to politicians ok? no. the same applies to journalists. This really isn't a discussion on games, but of something a whole lot more important. if Shoe accepted that TV, he owes that company. should bad news or bad reviews come to that company from Shoe, than they have every right to throw shit in his face. by declining the tv, he is able to remain unbiased and keep his hands clean of favoritism. plus, it saves face to his fellow journalists.
  • masterofwar
  • friends

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  masterofwar
    Forget about taking stuff, what happens when you become friends with the developer of a game, this to can alter your judgement about a game lets use milky and itagaki's relationship as an example, what do you do in these situations, like it may be hard for milky to call doaX 2 crap even though it is. do you see these friendships and make shure those people don't review those game's. Not that it's not beneficial, these friendship's may also get you exclousive first look's at game's. so how do you balance the good and bad.
  • ThomasElla
  • I think it's good that you don't accept stuff.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  ThomasElla
    It creates a conflict of interest, where you might feel bad about writing a review for a shit game because they gave you stuff.

  • ChronoKnight
  • The other side of coin.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  ChronoKnight
    Hey Shoe. I agree that the 1up network has a lot of integrity. While I was reading the editorial a question came to mind.

    In an atmosphere, like the video game journalism sphere, where many others accept gifts is it ever the case where an editor of the 1up network may become bitter at the company giving the gift simply because they cannot accept it? They may not know that they are bitter but when I think of someone having to turn down an HDTV I think it is possible without knowing it to harbor ill will to that company that is giving the gift, and in turn develope a dislike to that company and their products. Again this would stem from the fact that they watch all their peers get the gift and cannot take it themself. Now obviously the 1up editor would be bitter at the other editors for not having ethics but they could also be bitter at the company giving them. Or do you just counter this mentality by putting yourselves up on a pedestal? That seems like a good strategy, it would be the best way to counter the sting of turning down gifts. Thoughts?
  • Random_guy
  • .....where does it go to then?

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Random_guy
    Toss a free ipod this way please?
  • QB's_Finest
  • Is this editorial implying...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  QB's_Finest
    That EGM's writers, as well as gaming journalists in general, could not maintain journalistic integrity (I hope thats the right term) without the enforcement of a company-wide policy? If Gamertag Radio accepts these gifts, you're saying that eiher A) They are not as objective and fair as media such as EGM, who don't accept these gifts or B) They can both accept these gifts and remain objective, which would imply that the policy of EGM is due to a lack of confidence in all its employees.

    Quite controversial, Shoe.
  • D3stiny_Sm4sher
  • Where does 1Up get all of its money from?

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  D3stiny_Sm4sher
    I know this probably sounds stupid, but honestly, where does your money come from?

    Does it come from all of the advertising, I assume?
    After all, IGN charges readers to their exclusive features (which, frankly, pisses me off sometimes, it'd be like a news channel cutting off at various points in the day unless you paid a special fee). I'm very glad 1Up doesn't follow this, letting all of its users experience everything it puts out.

    Granted, you've got EGM, but that's different--I'm not missing out on stuff, I just have to wait a bit longer.

    I'm going to be an editor for a Nintendo News site soon called Zentendo, which we plan to start up in time for E3.
    I currently write for TheHylia, which is basically what is evolving into Zentendo.
    However, TheHylia produces only enough profit to maintain server costs.

    Even bigger dedicated news sites like TheWiire seem to need donations from site-goers to get any type of profit...
    So I have a funny feeling our site won't be seeing profit any time soon, if ever.
    I'm OK with that, as I'm writing to get experience in the industry so that I may one day become an intern and then an employee for 1Up, but I'm just wondering where your funds come from.

    Do you have so many visitors on the site that you can get by with just advertising, or are there other sources of funds, too?
  • chairguru22
  • send stuff you cant keep

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  chairguru22
    to me! you know where to get in touch with me.

    anywho, its definitely good to know you can't be bought out and i did have one question. How do you determine what ads are in the magazine?

    say a game publisher wants to bribe you about a good review for game 'X' in exchange for an exclusive cover story. you of course decline the offer but then what about the ads for game 'X'?
  • theOSUman365
  • Truthiness

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  theOSUman365
    Thanks for telling us and I guess your right, The more you know the more you can trust.
  • Grey1986
  • I was wondering about a couple of things

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Grey1986
    Just have a couple of questions, not really related to accepting gifts from companies but still kinda related to ethics in games journalism.

    One of the things I've been wondering is where exactly do you guys draw the line in terms of friendships between journalists and developers? It's something I've been thinking about for a while, ever since Garnett had his friend from FASA (whose name escapes me right now) on 1UP Yours a few months back and recently came back to the forefront of my mind after watching the segment with Itagaki and Milky on The 1UP Show this week. Is it simply a case of keeping these guys off of any reviews/previews where the relationship could be an issue or do you ever have to have words with people about becoming a little too close and thus risking their integrity?

    Another thing I've been wondering is do you ever have to deal with developers/publishers/console manufacturers leaning on you to provide them with good reviews in exchange for coverage? Now obviously I'm not suggesting that you ever would skew your reviews but is it something that you've had to deal with in your time in the industry?

    Lastly have you ever had to deal with a company threatening to no longer provide you with access to their products unless you gave said products good reviews? For instance say Ubisoft threatening to not send you a copy of the latest Splinter Cell for review unless you gave them a favourable score?
  • Grey1986
  • I was wondering about a couple of things

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Grey1986
    Whoops, double post. Sorry.
  • Phil-osopher
  • How bout you start a new policy.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Phil-osopher
    Accept the next HDTV you get, give the game a 4.5 (even if it deserves it or not), then see if you get another gift sent to you [EGM].

    I'm joking by the way.
  • xbox_fanboy
  • Who usually offers these things?

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  xbox_fanboy
    Is is devs? community managers? publishers? PR folk?

    I'd imagine it's usually PR people that try and butter up the press, but just want to hear from you. Also, do they usually make their intentions clear about these "gifts"?
  • Hylian_Knight
  • Damn, I wouldn't be that strict.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Hylian_Knight
    Bear in mind I have no official journalistic experience and while not accepting gifts is obvious, I actually thought having to foot the entire bill for flights all around the world so you could basically help market a bunch of developers games was a little excessive. I mean yeah, it does make sense, but how many subscribers can an enthusiast magazine have to make it all feasible? This just re-affirms my trust of your magazine (the reason I don't have the beefier GameInformer whose, some months, regular previews can be larger than your cover story).
  • Phil-osopher
  • I think I can answer the last part Grey1986

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Phil-osopher
    Ubisoft, or any other publisher for that matter, would never ever NOT send them a review code for a game because they didn't give Red Steel good scores. It's in Ubisoft's best interest for a lot of people to know how good Splinter Cell Conviction is, if it is good. If EGM doesn't get review code then it hurts us, and in turn Ubisoft, more than it hurts EGM.

    Also I think they could just review the retail version of the game, it'll be late of course.
  • RyoHazuki
  • Others devoid of policy, being played.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  RyoHazuki
    When will people realize that certain news and interviews are timely released to either A) provide damage control or B) promote something. Take for instance last week's Jessica Alba news. The other day digg front paged an article about her being a slut. The day after its about her playing videogames, specifically the Wii and DS.

    Doesn't anybody realize that those interviews were meant to coincide with the release of her new movie- Rise of the Silver Surfer? To perhaps garner interest in and boost publicity in a lead-up to the movie? Today with the plethora of blogs and news sites clamoring for the latest bits of information they can get their hands on, entities are able to use this to their advantage to not only sell something and but to get free press. Often times to counter bad press. Politicians do this very well to lessen the degree of bad news in the event of a scandal or shake-up. Take a look at the headline "Sony launches Playstation blog". It's a great idea, and perfectly timed after workers were laid off and Sony's bad publicity of late. These days videogames companies can say "major announcement" and have the internets ablaze in a split second.

    It's sad. Almost like puppets, people can be used as tools. That's not to say what is being covered isn't what people want to see and hear. I'm interested in what Jessica Alba has to say. And I'm sure she knows how to cater to her fans on both sides of the spectrum. All I'm saying is that a lot of times we aren't getting the entire picture. I try not to take what I read in the news at face value because it could be skewed or slanted. In todays climate, nobody looks through the headline, to find out what is the who, what, where, and why anymore. Everything is meant to be cookie cutter and quick. Quotes are taken out of context and later recanted. Its almost like some are doing the whim of what marketers really want you to know and hear.

    At least your publication has some integrity and that should be applauded! Freebies are meant to curry favor from print to retail.

  • videosta
  • Good intentions, but maybe not needed

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  videosta
    I for one am less worried about you guys getting free stuff. You work hard, and perks are a part of a job that can be ok, as long as it is never implied that there will be some kind of payback for taking the perks.

    I for one am more worried about the content put forth by the game media right now.

    There seems to be too much saturation of articles on the biggest titles, while smaller titles only see small previews, if that.

    Take Odin Sphere. This game has deservedly gotten great reviews, but where was the hype before the game came out? How could such a great game slip under the radar until after it came out?

    It has gotten to a point where I feel that I have to ignore the feature stories covered in most magazines so that the game is not ruined for me.

    Gears of War was one where I really felt like there was too much press given to the game. It really killed the first few levels of the game when almost everything I saw in them had been covered in magazines. It felt like it killed what could have been an interesting experience.

    Sorry to put such a long post that is a little off topic, but I really respect EGM\1up more than any other outlet out there, and I know if you see something that may be a problem, you will work on it.

    I do not expect there to not be an emphesis on the big titles, but I think there is a responsibility to cover even the small games as well. It really bothers me when there is a large event like TGS or E3, and some games on the floor do not get covered because all of the reporters there are too busy looking at the same few games, while ignoring the hidden jems.
  • LoneRanger2.5
  • Keeping 'Em Honest

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  LoneRanger2.5
    Your editorial shows the exact reason why I prefer the 1UP network over any other gaming journalism series.

    I still have a question though.

    Because you declined a "gift", have you ever felt any hostilities from the people who offered you the "gift"?

    Also, how do developers feel after their publisher tries to sell you on the game with gifts (Without the developer necessarily wanting the publisher to do so)?
  • redford227
  • Re: Full Disclosure

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  redford227
    It is editorials like this and the years of quality reporting and production that have kept me a fan of EGM for years. I'm long past my "hardcore" gaming years, but I still rely and trust your publication above all others, print and web, for reviews and viewpoints about games and gaming culture.

    Keep it up.

  • job2917
  • It makes sense, sounds just like the policy my co. enforces.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  job2917
    It's a good thing though, nice solid ethics, they're great while they last.
  • sulking_ophelia
  • It's a good thing.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sulking_ophelia
    Sending back free stuff might seem weird to some people, but the second you let policy like that slip, you have shoddy journalism.
  • Kolbe
  • 1up is the only major game site I read.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Kolbe
    Years ago I would read like 3 or 4 different pages, but right now I only come here, 'cause I thinks its the most objective, respectful, informative and yet funny site out there with the most creative and well informed writers. I even like Shane, whose eyes can move intensively with fanboyism sometimes.

    And if I ever, ever work on a major website, I'd love it to be 1up. Right now it's the only one that matters to me. But I'm not loyal to you, people. The moment I see you're fading away in those terms, I'll go somewhere else. Keep the good work so that doesn't happen. :)
  • shorap
  • I concur w/ just about everyone else

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  shorap
    good read and it makes one wonder what print/web based publications do give in to this "courting" by publishers/developers like say Maxim giving Turok Evolution 5/5!
  • vgatchaman
  • SSX Blur event

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  vgatchaman
    I recall IGN doing coverage on SSX Blur where they held the event at a ice hotel. That was the whole gimmick to show off the game. I was wondering if 1up went to this event as well and if so, did you pay for your stay there?
  • Mr_Friday
  • I Wonder....

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Mr_Friday
    Do you think that developers do this with their full intention being to effect your opinion? I mean, doesn't it say more negatively about their game if they're so desperate the offer World Series tickets? If someone offered me this, I'd be thinking "Wow, what a poor, desperate, douchebag". How could a developer call themselves a creative artist but still try to purchase review scores? Do they really have that little faith in human decency?

    Well, keep fighting the good fight. Maybe someday politicians will look at your blog and think, "Hey this here 'Shoe' guy's not accepting lobby money...maybe I can do it too!".......Well, it's a nice dream anyway.
  • Iscariot83
  • at least 3 characters

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Iscariot83
    I just wanted to offer some "mad propz" for the whole full disclosure thing. It's very cool of you to let your readers know about those kinds of policies.
  • Morolino
  • Hardcore Test

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Morolino
    Many editorials ago I got a real kick when I read that you give interviewees tests playing real video games to see if they have a real passion for what they'll be covering. But after watching IGN's video footage of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (and seeing it painfully obvious that they don't know how to play one of the genre's staple series), I appreciated, as a reader, your tests on a whole new level. Reading your watchdog post about keeping your operations scrupulous just adds to that love. That quality shines through.

    By the way, does the entire 1up network issue that test?
  • StaggerLee
  • He says...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  StaggerLee
    as he gets into his PorscheStation 3.

    Interesting though. I wasn't aware of exactly how you handle things.
  • The one thing we need in this industry: HONESTY

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  K1LLSWITCH
    Thank you Shoe for your open and honest opinions within this great industry. Unfortunately everything is becoming more and more corporate as the video game industry continues to evolve. Dog eats dog no matter who is in the way. But thats the way of the world now right?

    Again thank you 1UP Networks, EGM, and Shoe for keeping it honest.
  • Vincent007
  • journalistic integrity

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Vincent007
    I have been an EGM subscriber for several years [since about 1999] and when it come to journalistic integrity, EGM has tons of it, and I think we all respect that. My only question is how do you guys afford it? Ziff Davis must really believe in you guys to keep on paying for stuff they see others getting for free. More power to you guys and more power to Ziff.

    Great stuff Shoe.
  • heeroisobune
  • I must say

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  heeroisobune
    I liked your editorial in that issue.
  • -Private-Ryan-
  • I must also say

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  -Private-Ryan-
    So you cant keep any "ipod", even if your not on the review or what If your review had no bias, and were similiar to reviews from different sites
  • devisible
  • closure

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  devisible

    the practice of bribing someone to use their influence or position to promote a particular product or interest. If a record company spends enough money on payola, it can make any record a hit.


    '' '' '' '' '' '' '' . If a videogame publisher spends enough money on PLAYOLA. it can make any game a hit.
  • buckybit
  • journ ethics are not the problem with your job...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  buckybit're not Judith Miller, thank god. The question I am asking myself - I don-t know the 1up/egm-numbers, so excuse me for speculating - "How relevant are game-mags like EGM going to be in the future, while the industry/publishers are marketing directly to the consumers more and more, leaving you guys in the open?"

    When SOE/MS are binding their customers to their online-services, where is the room for magazines? I leave Nintendo out, you know why.

    I also find it hard to believe that pure online-game-sites will be able to pay for the meals/travels/paychecks in the long term - unless the advertising hits another level.

  • Lastexit
  • Listened to that podcast

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Lastexit
    cool shit, glad you take the time to do that kind of thing and give it to us for free.

    on another note, not exactly ivy league grads running these podcasts.... wow..

  • secretariat
  • My question

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  secretariat
    Hi, Shoe -- Not that I don't find this subject interesting and/or important (I do), but I'm curious as to what's behind the sudden need to discuss ZD's integrity over and over. It seems like I'm constantly opening up EGM and finding an editorial about how you guys don't accept gifts, how you won't negotiate review scores, etc. At what point are you preaching to the choir?

    However, on a related topic, I would love to see an editorial in which you attempt to teach people how to use the word 'bias' in a sentence.
  • genresrforposers
  • I somewhat agree with Secretariat

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  genresrforposers
    I do find that I often see an editorial where you trumpet (and I know judging from her blogs I've read secretariat is an English language Nazi, so I'm just going to clarify that it's 12:30 AM on the internet and I don't care if trumpet should have an h in it or not) your own integrity but hey if you got it flaunt it.

    I really don't have anything to add (my questions have already been asked regarding the integrity thing) except that uh... my invoice payment was due yesterday and I may have still not sent it thanks to driving school being my main focus/ADD?

    Could I still send that? .... I'll give you money ;)

  • SethSmith
  • Making money - advertising, rack sales, and subscriptions

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  SethSmith
    Shoe - I work in the media industry as well (primarily newspapers, no competition of yours) and while I'm not privy to the details it seems as a rule we promote subscriptions over rack sales. (Advertising is of course the biggest money-maker). You point out that along with advertising EGM makes money on newstands but don't mention subscriptions. I'm not trying to pry into your circulation numbers, but I'm just curious; in general are the casual readers who pay full cover price a greater asset than the long-term subscriber? Obviously there's a balance to be found between having a dependable readership and making a profit on "impulse buys." What is your perspective?

    And as far as full disclosure and advertising are concerned it's always been my experience that advertising and editorial are kept stricly separate in terms of content, however it is worth noting that advertising does have an indirect influence in that the amount of advertising sold for an issue determines page count, which could have an effect on the length of articles and amount of features that make the final cut. Do you feel that limitations on word count has ever created a situation where a review/feature wasn't as complete as it should have been?
  • SilencetheFaint
  • Odd question, but I haven't seen it asked yet...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  SilencetheFaint
    I was only skimming though, so if it was sorry.

    Has EGM ever been bribed in giving a game a golden review?

    I'm not asking you to disclose what company(s) but just curious as to how often it happens if it happens at all.
  • Omni_Avenger
  • "Indie" sites -- straying from the TRUE PATH

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Omni_Avenger
    Dan, I think you're over-reacting to some extent. I think it's great that Ziff Davis/EGM has guidelines like this, a sort of moral code for game journalism, but don't preach a line like "any gaming journalists...straying off the path, it makes us ALL look bad, even those of us who are doing it legit."

    That bugs me.

    I run an "enthusiast" website and I've made no secret about receiving special items, trips, hotel stays, open bars, free coffee, etc. (If there's a free lunch involved, it's a given that I'll be there. EA Canada had a recent "open house" for the press. I went back for seconds. And the 1UP guys were helping themselves too, though I'm sure they went to confession afterwards -- and probably the gym. I've never seen someone eat so many carbs!) If I wanted to stay true to the ideal of "Journalistic Integrity" I would have dropped out of gaming altogether because it costs too much otherwise.

    "No Sony, you can't pay my way to San Francisco for a Gamer's Day, put me up in a nice hotel, and load me up with free booze and all the Rueben sandwiches I can eat. That would just be wrong!"

    I'd never say that. I'd say (actually, said), "Yes, I'm your liquor pig for the next two days." For the simple reason that I don't often get that kind of access to see pre-release titles because I'm part of the "enthusiast" press -- I'm then labeled, operating on your judgment, as a detriment to the journalistic integrity of the gaming press.

    If a company sent me a video iPod -- well, that's just the icing on the cake. Maybe I don't need it for work per se but it represents something to me.

    It's a trophy. Like Batman's cave, my gaming den is littered with souvenirs of past "triumphs". Does accepting such a gift mean I'll automatically whip out a 9 out of 10 score for the publisher's next game? No. And I think the idea that readers aren't smart enough to spot a "moneyhat" review is a bit insulting. There will always be smarmy twits on message boards that will attempt to get a rise out of you, Dan, but unless EGM is willing to drop advertising to become the Consumer Reports of gaming, there's no other recourse but to take it on the chin with the full knowledge that there are no moneyhats.

    And you know, publishers are just looking for free advertising anyway. If Microsoft hadn't sent a Zune you wouldn't have mentioned it -- but they did and you mentioned it, specifying that it was a Halo 3 branded Zune, which just implanted in the minds of a few people they might want to look into a Halo 3 Zune. If those few people buy a Zune through an idea that germinated with your original statement, Microsoft just made some money and that's what they're really after. Running a contest to give it away just promotes more awareness Zune. Just keep the damn thing or give it to a relative or something or even better send it right back to Microsoft and don't say anything more about it.

    I guess my point here is that you should get off the high horse, Dan, and stick with EGM's policies rather than trying to make all the indie sites "feel bad" for accepting gifts or selling games for "profit" so we can pay the server bill.

    You managed to hit a nerve, Dan, that's all. Keep up the good work at EGM. Besides GFW it's the only other pure gaming magazine I read consistently.
  • D3stiny_Sm4sher
  • Thanks...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  D3stiny_Sm4sher
    ...for answering my questions.

    I wonder how well Zentendo will do...
    We're getting a major endorsement at E3 (you'll see!) but I wonder how much that will help us...

    It's going to be more serious than the previous gaming news site I wrote for, so I'm a little nervous, but confident that I'll do a good job.

    Watch out,'re in my sites!
    Gimme a few years and let me finish college and move out to Cali. ;)
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